Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethics Utilitarianism Essay

a.) Explain the main differences between the utilitarianism of Bentham and that of Mill. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that looks at the concept of `utility`, or the usefulness of actions. Two of the most famous Utilitarians were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill; Bentham was the first to introduce the theory, and his views were more similar to that of Act Utilitarianism. Mill on the other hand differed in his views, and his intention was to improve the theory, and his ideas were closer to that of Rule Utilitarianism; and Mill was also the one to coin the name of the theory. Although it is the same theory, the two philosophers had two different concepts of the best approach to Utilitarianism. One of the main differences between the two philosophers view of utility is their idea of the intrinsic good. For Bentham, the goodness of actions is measured by the amount of pleasure they produce. For him, two things were the most important, the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of p ain, and so happiness is pleasure without pain. Bentham produced his `hedonic calculus` to calculate the amount of pleasure produced by actions, which includes categories such as measuring the intensity, duration, and purity of pleasure to work out the best actions to take. This is because Bentham was a hedonist; he thought the best way to live life is the most pleasurable way. Although he never specifically said himself, it is thought that he would have preferred Act Utilitarianism, which looks at individual acts, and the amount of pleasure they generate, in each situation. This differs from Mill in that he thought the goodness of actions is based on the amount of happiness they produce. The practice of following a rule creates happiness, rather than looking at every separate act; it is thought that he was closer to a Rule Utilitarian, which involves following rules to create greater happiness. Furthermore, Bentham’s Utilitarianism is much more focussed on the individual. The individual judges each act by its utility, and the amount of pleasure it will produce; as it is about the quantity of pleasure, for Bentham, which decides which action should be taken. The motivation is for self-interest, which means that often justice can be ignored, as the focus is not on the wider public, which is different from Mill’s approach. Mill’s approach involves looking at the happiness of the community, so justice is addressed, and well-being has utmost importance. To make it more  universal he said that each desires their own happiness, so they should aim at it, and furthermore everyone ought to aim for the happiness for everyone else too, making sympathy the motive for doing an action. Both approaches are consequentialist, but for Mill, an ethical act is one where the consequences favour the happiness and wellbeing of all. His approach also looks at the quality of the activities as well, arguing that certain things can be rated as `higher` and `lower ` pleasures. He said that food, sex and drink are of the `lower` category, whereas poetry, opera and fine art and the like are of the `higher` pleasures, and that we should strive for pleasure of better quality, of a more high-class lifestyle, as they are of more value. Whereas Bentham uses the example of a game of `push-pin` (a children’s game) gives the same amount of pleasure as a good book, Mill argues against that saying the quality of the pleasure is what is importance. Essentially, what makes an act ethical for Bentham is the amount of pleasure that is produced for the individual, and duration and intensity etc. For J.S. Mill, an act is ethical if it follows more set rules, how much happiness is produced on a larger scale, and the quality of the pleasure, rather than the quantity. b.) `Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior in every way to the Utilitarianism of Bentham`. Discuss. Both Mill and Bentham wished to produce an ethical theory that created the most happiness, which is what they believed to be the basis for justice, and the best way of living. However, since they saw the way to achieve this happiness in different light, they had different approaches to the theory, meaning that one approach will be considered superior to the other. In my opinion, it is true that Mill’s approach is superior to Bentham’s, although not in every way. Firstly, it must be considered that it is not certain which `type` of Utilitarianism each philosopher preferred. Generally it is thought that Bentham took the Act approach, and Mill the Rule approach, however neither put themselves in any of the categories, so it is therefore debatable. It is evident that both do not stick completely to the respective approaches; as an example, Mill was known to write, â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness†, which implies a prefe rence to Act Utilitarianism, although others still think that he may even have been a virtue ethicist. For the sake of this writing though, I will categorise each philosopher to their assumed approach. John Stuart Mill was very familiar  with Jeremy Bentham in person, as he was Bentham’s godson, and it is evident how this relationship affected his view on ethics. Mill attempted to improve Bentham’s theory, this concept of utility, which Mill coined `Utilitarianism`. However, his whole idea of the `greatest good for the greatest number` was accentuated by Mill when he made it more focussed on the community. As he thought more that happiness should be the standard of utility, not the self-centred pleasure. This improves the theory, as otherwise everybody will be focussing on themselves, and in many situations the pleasure of one person may exclude the happiness of many. I think it is also more appropriate inside the theory; as, if one looks out for the community, it seems more likely that the greatest good for the greatest number will be reached. Likewise, Mill’s idea of happiness being about the quality, not the quantity of pleasure, is to an extent better. The higher pleasures taking preference over the lower kinds of pleasures seem to fit with the quality of life, education and so forth. However, there is a danger that this idea quickly becomes snobbish, and puts the higher classes above those who would prefer rap music over opera. I suppose that this could make Mill’s approach `superior`, but in the way that is arrogant and conceited, rather than the definition of superior meaning improved. This shows how the theory is counter-intuitive in some areas; in how the community has importance, and not just the individual; and yet Mill still argues that the quality of pleasure takes precedence over the quantity, which seems to contradict the idea of community, and involve multiple classes. Another negative side of Mill’s theory is that he makes a jump with his universalisability ideas. He makes an inductive leap in saying that just because one person desires their own happiness they will naturally aim for the happiness of everyone else. John Rawls was known for criticising Mill and how it is not ethical to assume that one person would do something for a group, and how people can be used a means to an end because of that. Theoretically it is a suitable idea, that everyone would look out for the happiness for everyone else, but in practice it is not logical, he is separating morality and motive. An alternative approach to Utilitarianism would be that of Henry Sidgwick. In his book `The method of Ethics` he explained how he was concerned with justice in society. Although he was an Act Utilitarian like Bentham, his approach was similar to Mill’s, in that  the consequences take into account the welfare of the people. This is an improvement again on Bentham’s ethics as justice and welfare have importance over the selfish desires of individuals, which supports Mill and his superiority over Bentham’s Utilitarianism. In conclusion, Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior to that of Bentham’s, in that it looks at the welfare of the people more, and even though it is snobbish in some areas where Bentham’s approach is better, overall Mill’s approach is more improved as it looks as the happiness of others.

Black People Essay

Tar Baby Toni Morrison’s novel might for some be a novel of cultural awakening. One also might at their first reading and perhaps also by reading the different studies made on Tar Baby, restricted to an interpretation that sees Jadine, Morrison’s protagonist, as woman who has, consciously or unconsciously, lost her â€Å"ancient properties† (305) and internalized the values of a white culture. Jadine has totally disconnected herself from her racial identity and cultural heritage. This reading is supported by the fact that Jadine has got her education in Europe with the financial assistance of Valerian Street (her aunt’s and uncle’s employer). Paraphrasing Marylyn sanders Mobley – the characterization of the protagonist, Jadine, draws attention to a fundamental problem as one that Morrison wants to affirm the self-reliance and freedom of a black woman who makes choices for her own life on her own terms. She also seeks to point out the dangers that can happen to the totally self-reliant if there is no historical connection. While the conflict in Tar Baby is undoubtedly â€Å"between assimilation and cultural nationalism represented by the sealskin coat Ryk has given her and the pie table† (Rayson, 94), the limiting categories which Jadine is continually forced into do not come from the white characters but primarily from the black community in which she finds herself because she (Jadine) has embraced white stereotypes along with white culture. While Valerian is portrayed as the traditional master-figure in the novel, it is actually Son, Sydney and Ondine, and the folk past represented by the different women in different places that try to conquer and dominate Jadine, who retain and represent their culture in the very colour of their skin. On the other hand, one could argue that it is as a result of Jadine’s university education in Europe and her career that further draws her away from her culture and identity and therefore (paraphrasing Mobley in Toni Morrison critical perspectives past and present) contributes significantly to the emotional and spiritual uncertainty that plague her as well as the many different roles that are imposed upon her by her aunt and uncle as well as the ‘society’ that caused her to seek upward social mobility. Sydney and Ondine, Jadine’s uncle and aunt in the novel can be seen as representative of one of the tar pits for Jadine. They do not accept all black people equal in the community in which they live because they employ racial hierarchies. Ondine sees herself as the only woman in the house (209), while Sydney notes more than twice that he is a Philadelphia Negro, â€Å"the proudest people in the race† (61). They seem to have a clear vision of what they want for Jadine their niece. As the story progresses, though, it becomes clearer that it is not actually a question of what they want for Jadine but what they want of her or expect her to do. In addition to them wanting Jadine to provide them safety and credit for their race, Ondine admits by the end of the novel, â€Å"maybe I just wanted her to feel sorry for us [†¦ ] and that’s a lowdown wish if I ever had one† (282). Jadine understands that Sydney and Ondine â€Å"had gotten Valerian to pay her tuition while they sent her the rest† (49) and Ondine keeps reminding that she â€Å"would have stood on her feet all day all night to put Jadine through that school† (193). Ondine sees Jadine as her â€Å"crown† (282), and she and Sydney are continually â€Å"boasting† (49) about Jadine’s success to the point that Margaret calls Ondine â€Å"Mother Superior† (84). In return, they seem to want Jadine to offer them safety for the rest of their lives as Ondine claims that â€Å"Nothing can happen to us as long as she’s here† (102). They are not comfortable with the idea of Jadine marrying Ryk, who is â€Å"white but European which was not as bad as white and American† (48), but they are terrified of her running off with a â€Å"no-count Negro† (193) like Son. Although their views on racial hierarchies seem to alter from time to time, on the outside they seem to want what is best for Jadine. Jadine refute Ondine’s views of black womanhood when she tells her some of the things that are expected of her from society Jadine tells Ondine that: â€Å"I don’t want to learn how to be the kind of woman you’re talking about because I don’t want to be that kind of woman† (282). This, according to Rayson (1998), might be interpreted as Jadine’s â€Å"rejecting the roles of mother, daughter, and woman to stay the tar baby† (Rayson, 95), however it marks her becoming aware of what kind of woman she is by the end of the novel. Jadine‘s inclination toward upward social mobility leads to her separation from the Afro-American roots and the tar quality that Morrison advocates. This kind of flaw in Jadine effectively disqualifies her as a black woman capable of nurturing a family and by large the community. Jadine‘s perception of an ancestral relationship from which she is estranged occurs when she sees an African woman in a Parisian bakery. When she is celebrating her success as model evidenced in her appearance on the cover of Elle, Jadine becomes nervous or perhaps uncomfortable by the African woman in yellow attire. She triggers an identity crisis in Jadine at the moment when she should have felt more secure with her professional achievement assured by beauty and education. In his African woman, Jadine catches a glimpse of beauty, a womanliness, an innate elegance, a nurturer, an authenticity that she had never known before: ? That woman‘s woman – that mother/sister/she/; that unphotographable beauty? (p. 43). By calling the African woman ? that mother/sister/she,? J. Deswal (online source â€Å"Tar Baby- Shodhganga) claims that â€Å"Morrison presents a threefold definition of womanhood which can thrive within the confines of family and community only. The three eggs she balances effortlessly in her ? tar-black fingers? (p. 44) appear to Jadine as if the woman were boasting of her own easy acceptance of womanhood†. Wendy Harding and Jacky Martin in A World of Difference: An Inter-cultural Study of Toni Morrison explain the importance of the African woman‘s presence as such: â€Å"Whereas Jadine has just been rewarded for her conformity to Western ideals of feminity, the African woman suggests a more powerful version of black womanhood. Like some fertility goddess, she holds in her hand the secret of life. She is the mother of the world in whose black hands whiteness appears as something as easily crushed as cared for (71). When Jadine measures herself by the idea of black womanhood that she sees in the African woman the insecurities of her rootless condition surface in her mind. The women in yellow makes Jadine confront her female role and her sexuality†. Jadine sees ? something in her eyes so powerful? (p. 42) that she follows the woman out of the store. The writers also claim that â€Å"As a symbol of repudiation of Jadine‘s westernized lifestyle, the African woman ? looks right at Jadine? (p. 43) and spits on the pavement†. Jadine hates the woman for her spitting, but what she cannot do is escape feeling ? lonely in a way; lonely and inauthentic? as she tells the readers on page 45. When the sense of self is based on the denial of one‘s ethnic roots, one is certain to experience mental chaos and alienation. So, the woman‘s insult to Jadine had the powerful effect of challenging Jadine‘s choices: her white boyfriend, her girlfriends in New York, her parties, her picture on the cover of Elle and the way she lived her life. One can say that it is as a result of the African woman that Jadine desided to visit her aunt and uncle on the island. Jadine is confused and even questions her plans to marry Ryk, her white boyfriend: I wonder if the person he wants to marry is me or a black girl? And if it isn‘t me he wants, but any black girl who looks like me, talks and acts like me, what will happen when he finds out that I hate ear hoops, that I don‘t have to straighten my hair, that Mingus puts me to sleep, that sometimes I want to get out of my skin and be only the person inside – not American – not black – just me? (p. 45) It is through Son, however, that Morrison offers Jadine the ultimate opportunity to ‘redeem’ herself to her heritage, adapt it and revive her womanhood. Son picks up from where the African woman left off in a sense by making Jadine confront her inauthenticity. Jadine and Son enjoys their stay in New York because it is the place where Jadine feels at ease. She feels loved and safe: ? He ‘unorphaned’ her completely and gave her a brand-new childhood? (p. 231). In turn, Son is encouraged by her need and by his apparent ability to redefine Jadine culturally and emotionally. Son insists that he and Jadine goes to Eloe his hometown where Jadine will see how Son is rooted in family and cultural heritage. He attempts to rescue Jadine from her ignorance and disdain for her cultural heritage, trying in a sense to mould Jadine into the image of his black female ancestors. Son assumes that a relationship with Jadine will mean that they will have children together. He presses claims for family and community: ? He smiled at the vigour of his own heartbeat at the thought of her having his baby? (p. 220). Thus, he wants Jadine to love the nurturing aspects of home and fraternity. He is fed on dreams of his community women. The dreams of ? yellow houses with white doors? and ? fat black ladies in white dresses minding the pie table? (p. 119) are nourishment to Son. Sandra Pouchet Paquet (The ancestors as foundation in their eyes were watching god and tar baby) observes: ? In Son‘s dreams of Eloe, the African-American male ego is restored in a community of black man at the center of a black community. But however appreciative Son is of the beauty, the strength, and the toughness of black women; his vision is of male dominance; of the black women as handmaiden? (511). The image feminity that Son cherishes – of the black woman taking passive role as a nurturer of the hearth – is flagrantly opposite to Jadine‘s perception of the modern black woman. This terrifies Jadine and narrows the possibility of their forming a family. The modern, educated black woman seems to snivel at the aspects of traditional female- specific role as the nurturer of hearth and home. Decadent white values and life style thwart the black woman’s vital roles of building families and raising children. The modern black woman cannot be a complete human being, for she allows her education to keep her career separate from her nurturing role. The black woman is increasingly becoming able to define her own status and to be economically independent. She tries to seek equality in her relationship with men. Robert Staples gives an insight into the faltering dynamics of modern couples: ? What was once a viable institution because women were a subservient group has lost its value for some people in these days of women‘s liberation. The stability of marriage was contingent on the woman accepting her place in the home and not creating dissension by challenging the male‘s prerogatives? (125). The black woman‘s intrinsic quality of ? accepting her place in the home? is Morrison‘s tar quality. However, in advocating the tar quality Morrison does not admonish the educational and professional accomplishments of the black woman. In fact, the black woman is expected to achieve a balance between her roles in the domestic and professional fields. â€Å"It is the historical ability of black women to keep their families and careers together. In an era where both the black male and female seek to fulfill individual desires, relationships falter and, consequently, the prospects of the propagation of a family are not too bright. Jadine‘s tar quality is submerged by the white-like urge for freedom and self-actualization. As a result, she finds the conventions of black womanhood antithetical to her own value system†. At Eloe, Jadine is determined to resist rigid male-female role categorization. Jadine cannot ? understand (or accept) her being shunted off with Ellen and the children while the men grouped on the porch and after a greeting, ignored her? (p. 248). While at Eloe, Jadine is provided with yet another chance to attain certain qualities that is for black women. She is accustomed to living an upper-class white lifestyle so she finds the people of Eloe limited and backward. Their stifling little shacks are more foreign to her than the hotel-like splendor of Valerian‘s mansion. She stays in Aunt Rosa‘s house where she feels claustrophobically enclosed in a dark, windowless room. She feels ? she might as well have been in a cave, a grave, the dark womb of the earth, suffocating with the sound of plant life moving, but deprived of its sight? (p. 254). It is in this very room where Jadine and Son were having sex that she had a second awakening vision, which is more frightening than the one she had in Paris about the African Woman. Here, Older, black, fruitful and nurturing women – her own dead mother, her Aunt Ondine, Son‘s dead wife, the African woman in yellow and other black women of her past – become a threatening part of Jadine‘s dreams: I have breasts too,‘ she said or thought or willed, I have breasts too. ‘ But they didn‘t believe her. They just held their own higher and pushed their own farther out and looked at her,? (p. 261) and ? the night women were not merely against her†¦ not merely looking superior over their sagging breasts and folded stomachs, they seemed somehow in agreement with each other about her, and were all determined to punish her for having neglected her cultural heritage. They wanted to bind the person she had become and choke it with their breasts. The night women? accuse Jadine for trading the ? ancient properties? (p. 308) of being a daughter, mother, and a woman for her upward mobility and self-enhancement. All these women are punishing Jadine for her refusal to define herself in relation to family, historical tradition and culture. As they ‘brandish’ their breasts before her eyes, they mock and insult her with their feminity. Jadine finds these women backward and sees no self-fulfilling value in the roles that they serve. However, she is constantly haunted by dreams of the black female image that she seems to have lost throughout life. Ondine express shame and disappointment over her lack of concern for her family, the African woman, at the Parisian bakery, spits at her in disgust and the night women, in the vision at Eloe taunt her with their nurturing breasts. Having refuted her own black culture and heritage, Jadine face the consequence of a divided consciousness and a mental death. Her decision to end the love affair with Son— ? I can‘t let you hurt me again? (p. 274) is an evidence of her shunning womanhood and losing her Afro- American roots as she chooses Ryk her white boyfriend over Son who refused to become the person or image that Jadine wants him to be . Jadine is compelled to make her choice and she decides that it is in Paris, away from Son, where there are prospects of financial success and personal independence. She doesn‘t want what Son and Eloe have to offer: To settle for wifely competence when she could be a beauty queen or to settle for fertility rather than originality and nurturing instead of building? (p. 271). Jadine makes it clear to the reader that she is self-sufficient and independent of men, family and community.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Home Made Candles

Homemade Candle Materials: Matches Cotton Oil Salt Glass container Procedure: Step1: Put a salt in the container Step2: Put a little oil in the container Step3: History of Candles Candles have cast a light on man's progress for centuries. However, there is very little known about the origin of candles. Although it is often written that the first candles were developed by the Ancient Egyptians who used rush lights, or torches, made by soaking the pithy core of reeds in molten tallow, the rush lights had no wick like a candle.It is the Romans who are credited with developing the wick candle, using it to aid travellers at dark and lighting homes and places of worship at night. Like the early Egyptians, the Roman's relied on tallow, gathered from cattle or sheep suet, as the principal ingredient of candles. It was not until the Middle Ages when beeswax, a substance secreted by honey bees to make their honeycombs, was introduced. Beeswax candles were a marked improvement over those made w ith tallow, for they did not produce a smoky flame, or emit an acrid odor when burned.Instead, beeswax candles burned pure and clean. However, they were expensive, and, therefore, only the wealthy could afford them. Colonial women offered America's first contribution to candle making when they discovered that boiling the greyish green berries of bayberry bushes produced a sweet-smelling wax that burned clean. However, extracting the wax from the bayberries was extremely tedious. As a result, the popularity of bayberry candles soon diminished.The growth of the whaling industry in the late 18th century brought the first major change in candle making since the middle Ages, when spermaceti, a wax obtained by crystallizing sperm whale oil, became available in quantity. Like beeswax, the spermaceti wax did not elicit a repugnant odor when burned. Furthermore, spermaceti wax was found harder than both tallow and beeswax. It did not soften or bend in the summer heat. Historians note that th e first â€Å"standard candles† were made from spermaceti wax.It was during the 19th century when most major developments affecting contemporary candle making occurred. In 1834, inventor Joseph Morgan introduced a machine which allowed continuous production of moulded candles by the use of a cylinder which featured a movable piston that ejected candles as they solidified. Further developments in candlemaking occurred in 1850 with the production of paraffin wax made from oil and coal shales. Processed by distilling the residues left after crude petroleum was refined, the bluish-white wax was found to burn cleanly, and with no unpleasant odor.Of greatest significance was its cost – paraffin wax was more economical to produce than any preceding candle fuel developed. And while paraffin's low melting point may have posed a threat to its popularity, the discovery of stearic acid solved this problem. Hard and durable, stearic acid was being produced in quantity by the end of the 19th century. By this period, most candles being manufactured consisted of paraffin and stearic acid. With the introduction of the light bulb in 1879, candlemaking declined until the turn of the century when a renewed popularity for candles emerged.Candle manufacturing was further enhanced during the first half of the 20th century through the growth of U. S. oil and meatpacking industries. With the increase of crude oil and meat production, also came an increase in the by-products that are the basic ingredients of contemporary candles paraffin and stearic acid. No longer man's major source of light, candles continue to grow in popularity and use. Today, candles symbolize celebration, mark romance, define ceremony, and accent decor — continuing to cast a warm glow for all to enjoy. Candle Use & SafetyHow are candles made? While modern candle-making processes vary, most candles are made through the timeless process of placing a cotton wick into wax which is then molded, di pped, extruded, pressed, rolled, drawn or filled into a desired shape and size. What is the best way to store candles? Candles should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place and, for tapers, in a flat position to prevent warping. When stored properly, candles can be enjoyed for years and play an important role in traditions. Does the industry have standards for candles?Domestic candle manufacturers have a long tradition of making high quality, long-lasting and safe candles. National Candle Association members – manufacturers and suppliers – are working with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) to implement voluntary standards for candles. Are candles safe to use? Candles are safe when burned properly and responsibly, and according to manufacturers’ directions. When burning candles, consumers should always follow these simple, common sense steps: †¢never leave a burning candle unattended keep candles out of the reach of children and pets †¢trim wicks prior to each use and keep trimmed †¢keep candles away from drafts, vents and flammable objects †¢extinguish a candle that smokes (check instructions before re-lighting) †¢extinguish candle when ? † of wax remains in a container †¢use only candle holders that have been manufactured for use with candles †¢keep matches and other debris out of the candle †¢Extinguish the flame if it burns too close to the container or holder do not move a glass container when the wax is liquid.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Workplace Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workplace Diversity - Research Paper Example Demographic change like the woman in the workplace, organizational restructuring, and equal opportunities legislation, which need organization to evaluate their management practices and expand new and creative move toward to managing people. Changes will amplify job routine and customer service. Women in the Workplace The need to understand diversity is also driven by women in the workplace. Today's workforce has higher levels of participation in employment of women ever. The number of dual income families and single working mothers has increased. Therefore, diversity issues are covering both race and gender. Organizational Restructuring Significant changes in organizations as a result of downsizing and outsourcing, which has greatly affected human resource management. Working practices have changed due to the impact of globalization and technology and there is a tendency to longer hours of work. In general terms, usually, re-organization results in less people do more work. Legislat ion Federal and state legislation on equal opportunities describes that discrimination in the workplace illegal. These laws specify the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in the workplace and keep the two groups responsible. Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace Diversity is beneficial to both employees and employers. Although the members are interdependent in the workplace, respecting individual differences can increase productivity. The diversity in the workplace can reduce demand and increase marketing opportunities, creative recruitment, and company image. In an era when flexibility and creativity are the keys to competitiveness, diversity is essential to the success of an organization. Furthermore, the penalty (loss of time and money) ought... This essay stresses that supervisors and frontline managers could benefit from reading this document. Supervisors and managers are the target audience, as they have to recognize the ways in which the workplace is changing, evolving, and diversification. Since managing diversity remains a major organizational challenge, managers must learn the management skills needed in a multicultural work environment. Supervisors and managers must be prepared to teach themselves and others in their organizations to appreciate the multicultural differences in both partners and customers so that everyone is treated with dignity. Diversity issues are now considered important and are expected to become increasingly important in the future due to increasing differences in the U.S. population This paper makes a conclusion that a diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and the market. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive advantage and increased productivity. Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and issues, including laws and regulations. Most workplaces are made up of different cultures, so that organizations must learn to adapt to succeed.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Refactoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Refactoring - Essay Example This is where refactoring will come in handy. Refactoring is a method of altering the code of a software in various ways so it can easily be understood and the cost of modifying the code will be minimal. Refactoring does not change the observable behavior of the program. All changes are done internally just for the purpose of making the code more flexible and reusable. Maintaining the program's observable behavior is crucial to refactoring. Automated testing for each aspect of the software can be done to ensure the consistency of the observable behavior of the program. Refactoring reduces the degradation of an application over time by helping the developers easily maintain it. It is like cleaning up the program's code. It also makes the program easier to understand in the long run. Since one of the principles of refactoring is for it to be done in small steps, it can help the developer find bugs after testing each small step. And since you can easily find bugs, the time spent fixing them would be lesser. Thus, it will allow for more additional features to be added in the program. Refactoring, however, may not be applicable to all program codes. If a code seems to be a total mess, really difficult to understand and has a lot of bugs, then it might be better to rewrite the whole thing than just refactoring it.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in contributing to the Essay

Role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in contributing to the strategy of a company. if you were in a CFO position at your ch - Essay Example The supervision of the financial functions of the department is an integral part of the responsibilities of the CFO. In cases of public statements to be given on behalf of the company in the areas of financial performance, the Chief Financial Officer is the designated person to perform this task. A study of the roles and responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer of the organization in detail would reveal that the Chief Financial Officer needs to supervise the activities of record keeping, financial planning and reporting the financial performance to the top management that includes Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors. ... ng essential inputs on the formation, evaluation and implementation of the strategy of the company that could be driven by the financial resources by the organization. After the strategy is formed with due consultation among the senior corporate officers of the top management, the Chief Financial Officer plays the vital role in supervising the financial performance of the company in order to meet the strategic objectives. Based on the strategic objectives of the organization, the role of the Chief Financial Officer could be broadly divided into the three areas as explained below. These could be named as the treasury function, control function and the strategy based forecasting function performed by the Chief Financial Officer. The effectiveness of the Chief Financial Officer in these areas helps in meeting the strategic objectives of the company (Handlechner, 2008, p.73). Thus the contribution of the Chief Financial Officer is extremely important in the strategic growth of the compan y. Treasury function The treasury management of the company is one of the main financial areas based on which the financial performance of the organization is determined. The treasury management of the organization deals with the managements of funds available with the organization in order to satisfy the areas if interests like investments, credit, debts, etc. so that the short term and long term goals of the company could be fulfilled. The treasury function of the Chief Financial Officer involves supervision of the performance of the treasury management, plan initiatives to address the identified gaps in the management of funds of the organization so that optimum return could be achieved in the areas of investments, and finally reporting the financial performance of the treasury

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Replicability of the Technological & IT Sector Model of Silicon Dissertation

The Replicability of the Technological & IT Sector Model of Silicon Valley, USA in the City of Birmingham, UK - Dissertation Example The paper presents the Silicon Valley, popular section of northern California just south of San Francisco Bay which has an extremely high concentration of hi-tech research centres and offices of the largest innovative companies in the world. Silicon Valley represents the hub of America's innovation sector. It has a global reach and is the concentration of the best brains in the IT and technology industry. However, in spite of the extremely high concentration of minds and capital in Silicon Valley, it came from very modest beginnings. Lee recalls that two classmates began a major electronic device manufacturing company from a one-car garage and six decades later, in 1999 the company, then known as Hewlett-Packard led Silicon Valley in revenue with $47.1 billion. Yahoo, another brand with its operations in Silicon Valley had a market capitalization of $70 billion in 1999. Silicon Valley is a leader in the technology and innovation industry. The following hi-tech hardware and software have companies that have their primary operations located in Silicon Valley: 1. Integrated Circuits (Intel) 2. Personal Computers (Apple) 3. Work Stations (HP, Sun Microsystems) 4. 3D Graphics (Silicon Graphics) 5. Database Software (Oracle) 6. Network Computing (3Com, Cisco Systems) 7. Internet (Excite, Yahoo, Ebay & PayPal). In terms of output, each worker at Silicon Valley accounted for $115,000 in 1999 and this represented 30% higher output per head than the average in the United States. (Lee 2000). Also, Venture Capitalists invested $13 billion in Silicon Valley alone in 1999 representing a third of all venture capital investments in America (Lee, 2000). Ironically, Silicon Valley was just a piece of agricultural land in the Southwest of America a century ago (Shueh & Wyman, 2009). This therefore shows that any fallow land could potentially be rebuilt to become like Silicon Valley, provided some important facts exist. This forms the crux of this research. Research is a quest to acquire knowledge on a given topic through the use of systematic tools and techniques (Kothari, 2005). This research is therefore initiated to answer important questions about how and why Silicon Valley developed into a multi-billion dollar concentration of top-notch research entities. The enquiry will therefore move further to identify the possibility of replicating the main initiators of the development of Silicon Valley in Birmingham, UK. It will seek to identify if the replication can be done and/or the role other significant factors are likely to play in the replicated model of Silicon Valley in Birmingham. Research Aim The research question will therefore be the assessment of the relevant factors that will be significant in the replication of the Silicon Valley Model in Birmingham, UK. In arriving at this end, the following objectives will have to be addressed: 1. An examination of the evolution of Silicon Valley USA and the identification of the roles of key stakeholders in the process. 2. A critical evaluation of how other replicas of Silicon Valley sprung up around the world. 3. An assessment of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human nature and Western civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human nature and Western civilization - Essay Example No one can call a place West. Civilization - what does it mean? Around three hundred years ago European intellectuals, inspired by the astonishing cultural changes they had witnessed over the previous century, began to develop the concept of â€Å"civilization† as a way of describing the differences they perceived between their manner of understanding the world and that of other peoples. These intellectuals were convinced that their fellow Europeans had recently discovered the one true way of understanding nature, including human nature, and that they had done so by liberating themselves from the prejudices, superstitions and dogmatic ignorance of those that had preceded them. The label â€Å"civilization† was born in this context as a term of collective description connoting the â€Å"advanced† beliefs, practices, and cultural habits which the Europeans had acquired. For Europeans â€Å"civilization† was the benefit they had received from the intellectual upheavals which had overturned medieval barbarism and ignorance. Similarly, when Europeans began to travel around the globe on their many voyages of discovery and conquest, they carried their notion of â€Å"civilization† with them, using it to describe the differences they saw between their manner of viewing things and those of the people they encountered. The idea of â€Å"Western Civilization† was thus born when Europeans began to employ the new concept of â€Å"civilization† to contrast the European approach to life and nature (which they believed to be the one, true, â€Å"modern† way of viewing things) with that of non-Europeans. In this respect, the concept of â€Å"Western Civilization† emerged in... The essay focuses on human nature and Western civilization and their terms. Take for example, human nature. What's human nature? Is it different from human behavior? . Human nature is affected by both genetic and experiential factors. People develop just the way they are because of the social circumstances they were born in and in the context of their genetic potential. How about civilization? What does it mean? The label â€Å"civilization† was born in this context as a term of collective description connoting the â€Å"advanced† beliefs, practices, and cultural habits which the Europeans had acquired. For Europeans â€Å"civilization† was the benefit they had received from the intellectual upheavals which had overturned medieval barbarism and ignorance. Similarly, when Europeans began to travel around the globe on their many voyages of discovery and conquest, they carried their notion of â€Å"civilization† with them, using it to describe the differences they saw between their manner of viewing things and those of the people they encountered. The essay's conclusion focuses on this point. One handles emotions by society and genetic predisposition as mentioned. In the end though, we can determine that power struggle and that desire to be the leader of the pack still governs the motivations of people in the course of human history. May it be from the deep dirges of history or with different forms of government, humans will be humans and will continue to have the same weaknesses, just different manifestations as dictated by time.

Inpatient and Ambulatory Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inpatient and Ambulatory Care - Assignment Example Inpatient care is dispensed to a patient in a hospital, clinic or medical center. The patient is required to receive care within the medical center for an extended period of time . Inpatient care can only be delivered in the confines of a medical facility. Ambulatory care can be provided in the hospital setting or outside the hospital setting. Outside of the hospital, ambulatory care can be provided at the home, retail clinics, doctor’s offices, education facilities, pharmaceuticals, and community centers. Patients are attended to at these venues for a relatively shorter period than at inpatient care venues. Doctors have the authority of deciding whether a patient should be put under inpatient care and when they can be discharged from the hospital. In some situations, patients have the autonomy to decide whether they want inpatient care or ambulatory care. A patient is discharged when they have healed considerably and have adequate support outside of the hospital. Inpatient ca re is provided to patients who need critical care such as those who are extremely ill. Patients who require constant observation or more involving care from medical care providers are usually placed in inpatient programs (Wu, 2014). Patients who require advanced medical procedures such as specialized surgeries or transplants are usually placed under inpatient care. Emergency medical cases are almost always placed under inpatient care. Rehabilitation cases can also be placed under inpatient care.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human trafficking in Turkey Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Human trafficking in Turkey - Term Paper Example They are usually brought by force or allure to the land of opportunities, that is, USA, European nations and Canada. In current times, human trafficking is considered to be an organizational and administrative concern. It has become precedence for those working in many other strategic areas such as human rights, health, gender, law enforcement, and community services. The organization formed by European Union conference on â€Å"Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings,† held in Brussels from 18-20 September 2002, is an instance of the increasing political concern for combating human trafficking (BRUSSELS DECLARATION ON PREVENTING AND COMBATINGTRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS, n.d.). Over the recent past, Turkey has been witnessing a significant problem of human trafficking, which in fact is an international concern. This issue is related with irregular ad illegal migration. The neighboring regions of Turkey have been affected by political turmoil and conflicts due to w hich the people have been flooding in Turkey from these lands to ensure a better living, protection from harassment and safety. Instances of civil wars and conflicts taking place in the Middle East, Balkan and Caucasus lands have urged such mobility. The nation has therefore become a final dumping ground of trafficked women and children for sexual exploitation and workforce. ... The first section focuses on the context of the problem providing some statistical evidence on the incidence of trafficking along with cases and evidence involving women and children. In a nutshell this section provides an impression of the persistent problem in the nation with an insight into the severity of the issue. This part will logically analyze why human trafficking has become a problem for the society, especially in Turkey. The second part brings out what policies and measures have already been adopted by Turkey and an assessment of the existing policies with respect to their ability to address the problem. This reveals the actions undertaken by the NGO’s. It covers the scope of the issue both within and outside the Criminal Justice System. The section will also highlight the actions being adopted in the international scenario towards resolving the problem. The third section will discuss what the nation of Turkey and the other countries across the world are doing in o rder to combat the problem. This reveals some policies undertaken at micro level and in the operational departments. This section highlights the policies with respect to employment, economy, education and best practices of other nations, which could be applicable in Turkey to resolve the problem of human trafficking. The section also projects some recommendations to suggest Turkey’s next best steps those can be adopted for a better future with respect to the problem of human trafficking. Social Relevance and severity of the problem Turkey connects Asia and Europe and hence plays as a transit and also a target for human trafficking victims. The cities of Istanbul, Izmir and Trabzon are the most popular destinations for victims of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

FGM among the Maasai of Kenya Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FGM among the Maasai of Kenya - Term Paper Example Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) refers to the removal of an entire or a part of the external parts of the female sexual organ. In most practicing societies, the Maasai included, popular opinion towards FGM by the Maasai of Kenya is that its effects are more counterproductive than benevolent on the life of the innocent girl, and it should be disbanded. In the first place, there is a multiplicity of negative health consequences which are associated with FGM. First, FGM readily brings with it, hemorrhage, since the sponsors who preside over it are usually bereft of adequate surgical or clinical skills. Sponsors in this case are those who preside over this rite of passage. Again, the clandestine nature with which FGM is practiced makes adequate preparations for the ritual nearly impossible. This includes the failure to feature clinical tools to control bleeding as part of the sponsors’ paraphernalia. Largely, the legal proscription of the act by the Government of Kenyan 9 years ag o, underpins the clandestine nature of FGM practices. According to Maasai Rising (2013), the gravity of the matter above cannot be downplayed. Despite the Government of Kenya’s act of outlawing the FGM, the prevalence of FGM among the Maasai of Kenya remains at an appalling 95-97%. It is estimated that 5% of this population is lost annually, to hemorrhage sustained from the rite of passage. What exacerbates the situation is the fact that the age of eligible FGM candidates keeps reducing. Candidates are people who have been designated for initiation. The reason behind the reduction in the age of the potential FGM candidates among the Kenyan Maasai girls is that the Government of Kenya has appointed non-Maasai teachers to enlighten and conscientize the Maasai girl child on FGM and its dangers. These teachers usually teach in the upper years of primary school education, where most female students are considered ripe for circumcision. Because of this increased enlightenment among Maasai girls, the age of circumcision gets lowered to parry away rebellion from the girl child who is older and more enlightened. This means that presently, most candidates are not those at the onset of puberty, but those between 4 and 9 years. The crux of the matter herein is that the younger candidates are not strong enough to withstand to heavy bleeding and succumb to it. Because of the failure to make proper arrangements to deal with clinical complications that may accost FGM, there are other pitfalls that follow it as a rite of passage. Cases of urethral damage also highly and consistently accost FGM since sponsors who preside over FGM are not clinically or medically trained. Again, reports by Maasai Evangelistic Association (2012) show that FGM is inextricably concomitant with urinary tract infections, cervical infections, chronic pelvic infections and dermatoid cysts. Sometimes, the birth canal is interfered with to the point of causing dangerous childbirth in future. In mos t instances, the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus is easily aided by the practice of FGM since only one blade is used on all participating candidates. The blade is only wiped on grass and nearby vegetative undergrowth to wipe off blood. This makes it too easy for infections to pass from one candidate to another, should one candidate be a disease carrier. However, the Maasai Evangelistic Association (2012) observes that it is important to note that the malevolent nature FGM is not merely embodied by the health implications that accompany the practice. To argue otherwise

Monday, July 22, 2019

Erotic Love in the Iliad Essay Example for Free

Erotic Love in the Iliad Essay Eros, meaning â€Å"erotic love† in Greek, has had tremendous power over men and women for centuries, causing small and large conflicts. In Homer’s Iliad, it is the very thing that sparks the war between Greece and Troy. This theme of erotic love shows itself over and over again in the epic poem, showing the detriments of allowing desire and sexual attraction to overcome reason. Beginning in the first book, erotic love is responsible for starting the rage of Achilles. Agamemnon demands Achilles’ concubine Brisies for himself in exchange for returning his maiden Chryseis to her father Chryses in order to end the plague set upon the Achaean army. Agamemnon and Achilles, two of the best Achaean warriors, came extremely close to battling each other over these stolen maidens – a fight driven by erotic love that could have divided the Greek army. Furthermore, Helen contributes significantly to the theme of erotic love blinding men and causing citywide conflict in the Iliad. Paris’ attraction to and desire for Helen, the most beautiful of all women at the time, essentially led to the downfall of Troy. In Book 3, Aphrodite inspires the erotic love between Helen and Paris that Helen initially resists but is overcome by the power of this attraction fostered by the goddess. This book of the Iliad shows erotic love as an undeniable, powerful force responsible for much of the conflict resulting in the rest of the epic poem. This theme of erotic love, capable of dividing friends and starting wars, is not to be confused with other forms of love also portrayed in the Iliad, such as the love between Hector and Andromache, or between King Priam and his people. Erotic love appears alongside of other forces of love that all play a part in shaping the characters actions and the outcome of conflict.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The need for a strategic leadership role

The need for a strategic leadership role Strategic Leadership provides the vision and direction for the growth and success of an organization. To successfully deal with change, all executives need the skills and tools for both strategy formulation and implementation. Managing change and ambiguity requires strategic leaders who not only provide a sense of direction, but who can also build ownership and alignment within their workgroups to implement change. Leaders face the continuing challenge of how they can meet the expectations of those who placed them there. Addressing these expectations usually takes the form of strategic decisions and actions. For a strategy to succeed, the leader must be able to adjust it, as conditions require. But leaders cannot learn enough, fast enough, and do enough on their own to effectively adapt the strategy and then define, shape and executive the organizational response. If leaders are to win they must reply on the prepared minds of employees throughout the organization to understand the strategic intent and then both carry out the current strategy and adapt it in real time. The challenge is not only producing a winning strategy at a point in time but getting employees smart enough and motivated enough to executive the strategy and change it as condition change. This requires the leader to focus as much on the process used to develop the strategy-the human dimension, as the content of the strategy-the analytical dimension. Strategic Leadership is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility and empower others to create strategic change as necessary. Strategic Leadership Process The company Gobind Industries Gobind Industries was founded in 1978 in Barabanki (INDIA), with the aim of providing farmers with Quality of Agriculture implements, at an affordable price, services, lower Horsepower (H.P). They now operate more than 100 stores in India. (Kushal Kumar Agarwal) The Products Gobind Industries offers Threshers, Harrow, Cultivator, Razor, Reapers, Levelers, Rotovator, Trolley, and other small accessories. Part I Culture A culture cannot be precisely defined, for it is something that is perceived, something felt. (According to Charles Handy, 1998) Organization Culture When a group of people works together and live together for any length of time, then form a belief in them what is right and wrong. This behavior based on the beliefs and there actions become habit that they follow routinely. These behaviors constitute the organizations culture. Culture reflects the peoples are performing tasks in an organization, for the objectives and goals to achieve them in a given period of time. It affects the way they make decisions, think, feel and act in response to opportunities and threats. The culture of an organization is therefore related to the people, their behavior and the operation of the structure. It is encapsulated in beliefs, customs and values, and manifested in a number of symbolic ways. (Strategic Management, 5th Edition, by John Thompson with Frank Martin) The impact of the culture in an organizations Location/ National culture Environment The organizations past Size The Mission The Aims and Objectives Management/Leadership Style Levels of consultation, participation and acceptance (Hand notes: Organization Culture) In organization, there are deep-set beliefs about the way work should be organized, the way authority should be exercised, people rewarded and people controlled. (Acc. to Charles Handy) When executives articulate and publish the values of their firm, which provide patterns for how employees should behave. E.g.: If I am not going to submit my assignment on given prescribed time, and faculty doesnt ask me or I submitted my assignment late then next time also I am going to do same, while looking to me other guys also started submitting there assignments late, then slowly-slowly the same process is going to be converted into habit then culture in college of submitting late assignments. In my work place the culture of speaking with the customers in Hindi, therefore for selling the product we required a salesperson those can speak good Hindi which helps the customer to understand the product properly, which will be beneficial to my organization, if I am going to keep those sales person who speaks in English then there is no use of it, but in India after every fourteen miles language changes, so for dealing in the market we had to keep that employee who can speak at least three different languages. So therefore the cultural impact on the organization is very much. Organizational specific, Legal, Regulatory and ethical requirements impact on strategic leadership As per my organization Legal Requirements Regulatory Requirements Ethical Requirements Regional, local laws and regulation. Government operating permits, licenses and approvals. Contracts and other documents that include legal obligations. Regulatory Requirements ensures that the organization identifies, accesses and evaluates laws, regulations and internal organizational requirements that apply to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services. Identify these regulations helps to evaluate their potential impacts on the company and its products, activities and services. Ethical requirements in an organization for employees is to work for the company not for the personal interest, that the employee is trying to make money for himself, which will be against the ethics of the organization. Impact on Strategic Leadership Impact on Strategic Leadership Impact on Strategic Leadership If all these requirements doesnt fulfill by the company then it will be very costly for leader and as well as for the organization. E.g.: Painting work shop is not there in an manufacturing industry and the organization painting in the open air, then legally there is going to be problem for the organization by the government. So at this time leader had to think for the proper painting workshop that will be not harmful for any one. In an organization the employees doesnt follow the rules and regulation, then it will be affecting on the activities, product and services, for those the leader had to take initiative, and to control the people in an organization so that they can follow the regulation. E.g.: The regulation in the college is that no one should smoke in the campus, if it occurs then the leader can take hard and fast action on the particular person, who had broken the rules. If leader caught any of the employees doing any un ethical work that is against the organizational law, then he/she can be fired from his/her job or otherwise the employee can be handover to the police. Its all depend upon the leader that at what sought of problem is their with that employee. The leader can leave him while giving warning, its all depend upon the situation. The impact on the strategic leader is always a problematic one because if any one break any of these requirements then it will very costly for the organization and as well as for the strategic leader, if any problem occurs then he had to use his skills to resolve those problem, so that the organization should run in a smooth way. Current and Emerging social concerns and expectations impacting leadership in the organization Leaders impact organizational culture and that, in turn, determines levels of individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. These workshops are designed to help individual leaders strengthen thinking and behavioral styles that promote their effectiveness and moderate styles that prevent them from realizing their potential. It also helps leaders understand the impact they have on culture, and its implications for effectiveness at the individual, group, and organizational level. Leaders from the top-down in organizations are using leadership strategies that cause people to behave in ways that are contrary to how they want these people to behave. The reason for this is that we have failed to move from controlling to leading. The average leader operates on the basis of untried and untested but very commonly held assumptions about how to motivate people and achieve excellence in performance. Part II 2.1 The relationship between Strategic management and leadership Strategic Management Strategy is the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue, the kind of economic and human organization it is or intends to be and the nature of the economic and non economic contribution it intends to make shareholders, employees, customers and communities. (Kenneth Andrews) Leadership The task of leadership, as well as providing the framework, values and motivation of people, and allocation of financial and other resources, is to set the overall direction which enables choices to be made so that the efforts of the company can be focused. (Sir John Harvey-Jones) When there is an objective to be achieved, or a task to be carried out, and when more than one person is needed to do it. (Armstrong, 1990) The relationship between the Strategic management and Leadership is that the strategic management is used to establish missions, objectives, and strategies for an organization. Leadership work is to complete those missions, objectives, and strategies with the support of their team, who must be inspired or persuaded to follow them. Therefore leadership is about the encouraging the individuals to give their best to achieve those missions that had been given by the strategic management. A series of strategic management components whose formulation and implementation will require a leadership input, these components include decisions about: Planning style Strategic Intent Mission Objectives Ethos and ethics Performance management Financial strategy and management Core values and ideology Understanding and choice of the basis of strategy formulation Perspective-the conceptualization, purpose, and direction of the enterprise. How the process of strategy formulation and strategic decision-making is to be implemented and facilitated How the enterprise is to move forwards into the future. How relationship with key internal and external stakeholders are to be managed within the architecture of the organization. How to ensure understanding and consensus about the critical success factors of the enterprise. How power is to be used within the organization; and how the politics of internal and external relationships are to be managed. (Principles of strategic management 3rd Edition, Tony Morden) 2.2 Leadership styles and their impact on strategic decision Leadership Style and its Impact There are three major leadership styles by psychologist Kurt Lewin a) Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic) Authoritarian leaders provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. There is also a clear division between the leader and the followers. Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group. Impact: Researchers found that decision-making was less creative under authoritarian leadership. It is more difficult to move from an authoritarian style to a democratic style than vice versa. Abuse of this style is usually viewed as controlling, bossy, and dictatorial. Authoritarian leadership is best applied to situations where there is little time for group decision-making or where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group. As per my organization the authoritarian leader is the Chairperson of the Gobind Industries, sometimes he had to take it self decisions which is good for the organization but it was less creative, therefore he tries to make decision while having a meeting with the department leaders. b) Participative Leadership (Democratic) Democratic leadership is generally the most effective leadership style. Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they also participate in the group and allow input from other group members. Impact: In this group were less productive than the members of the authoritarian group, but their contributions were of a much higher quality. Participative leaders encourage group members to participate, but retain the final say over the decision-making process. Group members feel engaged in the process and are more motivated and creative. As per my organization the meeting is being held in every one month by leaders with the staff members to encourage them and to know something new for the organization, this meeting motivates the employee to achieve the objective that is being set by the leaders. c) Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Delegative (laissez-fair) leadership was the least productive of all three groups. The members in this group also made more demands on the leader, showed little cooperation, and were unable to work independently. Impact: Delegative leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision-making up to group members. While this style can be effective in situations where group members are highly qualified in an area of expertise, it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation. ( 2.3 Leadership styles in different situations and its impact In the graph we can see that there are three stages as per the different situation in an organization. In first stage: the environment and the targets of the organization are soft and they are not under pressure, so the managers should adopt a soft leadership style to maintain the feel-good factor in the team. In this type of situation the leadership is must required to check there members because if doesnt then due to easiness of the environment then became laziness, therefore at this time also there should check on the members. If the leader doesnt do this then in future this will be converted into problem for an organization. In second stage: the environment becomes harder and targets and processes are under pressure, at this stage the manager had to adopt the harder leadership style, in order to focus the efforts of the team to achieve their goals. At this stage the leader had to take some harsh steps against the members of his team, so that they can achieve their goals. If they cannot do this then it will loss for the organization and the blame is going on the team leader, at this point he had use his skills, talents to bring out his team from the hard environment. In third stage: if the environment remains hard and targets and processes are under pressure, then the manager had to adopt hard and soft leadership style, so that the members should not frustrate with the leader, which will be again harmful for the organization, at this stage the manager had to motivate its members and as well as at some times he should harsh so that the work should not be pending, due to the soft behavior of the manager. Part III 3.1 A culture of professionalism, mutual trusts, respect and support within an organization A culture of professionalism in an organization: Developing a Culture of professionalism in my own organization while giving example, I am going to be the leader in this organization and developing a culture of professionalism. While entering into my organization, I felt that I just came into the fish market I cannot recognize any of organizational members at first time and the environment is not that much good as it should be in the organization, some of the members are wearing t-shirts, some of them wearing colorful shirts, while looking all these I decided to make a culture of professionalism so that our members can treat to the customers in value able manner, and it will be easy for the consumers to recognize the staff members easily. I provided them a dress material and ask them to enter in a this formal dress only which changes the culture and as well as the creates the professionalism in an organization, giving them training how to behave or deal with the customer, which incr eases our sale and gives satisfaction to our consumers. A mutual trusts: mutual trust means the beliefs, truth, reliability, ability or strength of every members are there in an organization. This had to be maintained by the leader within the members. The leader should not be partial with any of the member, if he does that then the others members trust he is being loosing and it is going to affect the organization, which is not a good leadership by the leader, he had to make faith equally with every members, As parents makes trust, faith and treats equally to all of their children in the same way the organization is also like a family. Respect: respect in an organization is must because without respecting each other you cannot move a single step also. If the staff member gives respect to the manager then he/she also had to give respect to his juniors. Respect can be in terms of listening to the seniors and giving respect to juniors, helping them in any of the problem. In an organization giving respect to the customer is must, it can while dealing them asking about water or tea or a coffee, or while receiving them in the reception area, these all shows the respect towards a consumer and as well as within the members of an organization. Support: within the organization the support can be given with in the team members, it can be one department to another department also. The example, if a employee is being given some work to do and he is not able to complete within the time period, then his team member can give support to finish his work on time. Example between two departments, in sales department if any of the member sales something to the consumer and to the consumer he had to give bill of the product, then the sales person request to the finance department to give their support to them for printing out bill as soon as possible. 3.2 Strategic leader focus on Organization in the achievement of objectives The leader must focus on the objectives as higher profits, shareholder value and customer satisfaction. To achieve results, the leader had to develop a solid, sound, customer-focused, and entrepreneurial strategy, aimed at market leadership, based on innovation, and tightly focused on decisive opportunities. He had to provide the feedback to the organization about the higher profits every month so that he can came to know that where he is failing to bring up higher profits. These can be done while increasing the market share, increment in the quality of a product, good after sales service. While providing all these he bring the higher profits for the organization and as well as customer satisfaction and the shareholder value in the market. Shares are rising of the company on the daily or weekly basis, which is again beneficial to the organization. 3.3 Strategic Leader supports and develops understanding of the organizations direction The organizational direction means the organization vision, mission, values and direction towards customers. The strategic leader supports the vision of the organization, as the vision of the organization is To become a most successful and respected thresher company in the India and the best after sale service provider in the market. So the strategic leader had to work as per their vision because Gobind Industries is already a respected organization in India and it is easy for the leader to make more successful organization and he can develop this by working on it or by providing best after sales service to the consumers as compare to their competitors. We will provide high quality of product so that the consumer can easily use multi crop threshers this is the mission of the company which the leader had to support while making corrections in the machinery to achieve more better quality of product as in the mission is being mentioned. The organization values are: believing in excellence service through Integrity, Innovation and Learning Integrity that the strategic leader develops and support is the honesty and doing right thing for their consumers and always honoring our commitments. Strategic leader develop and support the creativity and change for achieving continuous improvements and results in our jobs and in our organization. As the organizational direction is about learning then the strategic leader support and develop this part in itself also which will be helpful for himself and for the organization too. Organization believe in on going learning new things by getting knowledge from consumer, market, suppliers, dealers, friends or from any stakeholder about our product fault or any better need for an organization which will be beneficial for our consumer and for the organization. 3.4 Strategic Leadership Styles are adapted to meet changing needs and to enable organizational development and commitment With varying degrees of success, many leaders get their strategy making to this point and either stop or their process stalls. A major reason is the lack of understanding and commitment to the steps required to build more effective strategic leadership practices and a strategy dialogue in the operating groups below the senior managers. These groups and especially their leadership teams frequently do not know how to proceed and there is no consistent in-house resource to assist them. The net effect is the sense of excitement and momentum that was generated at the top of the house in the earlier stages of the strategy process is lost and the strategy team of employees is derailed before it is even gets started. One of the best ways to address this is to identify and train a cadre of high potential line managers in the middle of the organization that can serve as champions of the strategy process to those both above and below them. In this sense they serve both as a catalyst for the pro cess and as a bridge between formulation and implementation. They do not replace the leadership role of the senior teams in each of these operating group but they do serve as a critical additional resource that is dedicated to creating momentum and fostering consistency. This can be especially important if the strategy defined requires changes in the organizational culture as well as the business model. This resource also helps to ensure that the day-to-day running the business is not neglected as the demands of building a large-scale strategy dialogue come into play. To integrate both dimensions into strategy making in a way that creates a winning outcome and gets the whole organization understanding and committed to this common agenda requires leaders who are clear about the strategic capacity of each of their internal stakeholder groups and who have the perspective and insights to lead in a way that incorporates both dimensions as the strategy is developed. The steps described below are intended to provide the leader with techniques to do that. Taken collectively, they define a process that incorporates both the analytical and human dimensions, while challenging individuals throughout the organization to raise the quality and quantity of their strategic thinking and their strategic leadership. Conclusion Finally, when deciding what vocabulary and toolset is best to use while working across large populations, simpler is usually better. The simpler the language and the fewer the tools, the more accessible the strategy becomes to larger groups of people and the more people can understand it, know how they should think and talk about it, and identify how they can contribute. Some situations require more sophisticated (i.e. more complicated) tools because there is a need for much more thorough analytics. Many do not. The right balance point between comprehensiveness and simplicity will provide enough analytical complexity to adequately describe the marketplace, the customers, what you do and how you will compete, but nothing more than that. Simplicity, where it can be found, makes a significant difference when working across a large population.

Malaysian Ministry Of Education Introducing The Literature Component Education Essay

Malaysian Ministry Of Education Introducing The Literature Component Education Essay In the case of second or foreign language teaching and learning, literature has been widely accepted as a motivating material, a medium of accessing other cultural background, a resource for language acquisition and a medium to expand learners language awareness (Abdullah Et al, 2007). According to Elliot (1991) over the last few years there are positive feedbacks to using literature in a language context or at least has been a medium to expose language learners to a new world.. It is different from previous perceptions towards literature whereby literature was thought to embody archaic language which had no place in the world of audiolingualism where linguists believed in the primacy of speech, thus considering the written form somewhat static, (Elliot, 1991) In Malaysia, the Ministry of Education had decided to introduce Literature Component as a part of English syllabus in schools in the year of 2000. Hence, students from primary and secondary schools are required to learn literature together with other existing subjects in schools. The Ministry of Education has come out with a list of literary texts which cover Malaysian, British, European, Australian, American and African works. After ten years using the same texts, the government has changed the list of literary text with a complete new list for KBSM in 2010. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY. Teachers play important role in assuring all the objectives that are stated in the Curriculum Specification can be achieved by all students. The learning outcomes provided by the Ministry of Education to be the guidelines in teaching. However, it would be difficult to suddenly expose students to literary studies without any form of prior preparation (Talif, 1992). The success of this implementation is very much depending on how the lessons are carried out. Teachers play an important role in the teaching process of developing students ability to learn literature. Therefore, teachers have to be wise in selecting the suitable approaches to be used in classrooms, according to students background as well as the literary texts. There are a number of approaches which are believed to help teachers in delivering the messages conveyed in each literature piece. According to Bottino, the teaching of literature is often seen in the framework of the three models which are the Cultural Model, Language Model, and the Personal Growth Model. As for trainee teachers, these approaches assist them in preparing their lessons. Before going to the real teaching world during the practicum session, they have been exposed to micro and macro-teaching which are part of their methodology courses. This mock-teaching includes their lesson plan preparation and expectations in teaching literature. The problem here is, the audience for their micro or macro teaching are not real school students. Their audiences are their classmates and friends, who have studied and analyzed the literary texts, therefore, there is a big different between teaching school students who might not read the literary texts before hand and people who have prior knowledge on the texts taught.. In fact, their behaviour/attitude in class is completely different from the real school kids. Hence, trainee teachers feel that they have a lot of inadequacy in teaching literature in ESL classroom as the objectives set were not achieved. 1.2 STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM Since Literature component has been implemented as a part of English subject in schools, certain issues arise. Based on my own experience and that of my friends, we faced a lot of difficulties in carrying out literature lessons when we were sent to school to teach. We were equipped with all the theoretical, content, and pedagogical knowledge from our Methodology of Teaching Literature class. However, we found out that it was difficult to apply the knowledge to real classroom teaching and how our expectations differ before and after teaching literature in the real classroom. Hence, these difficulties we encountered during our practicum have created the interest in conducting this research. This study, therefore, would be looking at the problematic aspects with regard to the teaching of literature as experienced by trainee teachers. The first one is trainee teachers readiness and expectations in teaching literature before entering classrooms. The second aspect would be the experience of teaching gained during the practicum session, and the third aspect would be other important trainings or exposure they might need in order to improve their literature teaching in the future. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives for this study are crucial in determining its success. Through the objectives, researcher is able to classify explicitly what to examine for the research. The objectives of this study are: To identify trainee teachers readiness and expectations of teaching Literature in ESL classroom before leaving for practicum. To identify issues faced in teaching literature during their practicum To find out trainee teachers memorable/good experience in teaching literature. To identify trainee teachers needs and demands in order to improve their literature teaching in ESL classroom RESEARCH QUESTION This study attempts to answer four main questions on the perception of TESL students with regard to the teaching literature. 1.5.1 What are the TESL trainee teachers expectations in teaching literature before leaving for practicum? Are they prepared and equipped with relevant knowledge? 1.5.2 While doing the practicum did they experience difficulties in teaching literature components? What kind of experiences that trainees faced during literature lessons? 1.5.3 What are the memorable or good experiences that they gained from teaching literature in ESL classroom? 1.5.4 What do trainee teachers feel that they need in order to improve literature teaching? DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms will be used throughout this future research: 1.5.1 Teacher: The definition of a teacher is someone who embodies all those qualities that exude the ability to transfer knowledge and skills from master to student, (Larzelere). In this context it refers to the TESL students who are going to be a future teacher. 1.5.2 Trainee: is someone who is being trained for a job. In this context it refers to the TESL students who had gone trough the learning and practicum process while they were students in UiTM. The meaning is taken from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. 1.5.3 TESL: a term which referring to a course of Teaching English as Second Language. 1.5.4 Practicum: The practical part of a study or course, as opposed to the theoretical parts. 1.5.5 Literature: The collective body of literary of productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of knowledge, or of a given country or period. LIMITATIONS There are a few limitations which is inherent in the present study. The first limitation is time constraint. Due to limited time, this study will only involve twenty percent of Semester 7 and 8 students whom I can get easy access to gather the data. The second limitation is budget constraint. As a student, I have limited financial support in completing this study. Therefore, I could not carry out a large scale study, but had to be content with a small scale study instead. 1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This is a small scale study whereby the data collected would involve TESL students from UiTM Shah Alam who had undergone their teaching practicum, as the requirement to complete their bachelor in education course. Therefore, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to other situations. However, it is sufficient as an exploratory research by a novice researcher. 1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The result of this study can be utilized by various parties who are involved in deciding the course contents of literature subjects in Faculty of Education, UiTM Seksyen 17. The study would create changes in literature course contents/syllabus in the faculty in producing better quality English teachers especially in teaching literature in ESL classroom. 1.9 CONCLUSION

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Mae Enga Essay -- Culture Cultural Essays

The Mae Enga Over the centuries the Enga people of Papua New Guinea have adapted certain cultural characteristics to cope with varying environmental and social changes. Some aspects of the Enga peopleà ­s lives that have shown the most cultural adaptation to the surrounding ecosystem are their horticultural practices, system of tribal warfare and clan organization. Through these adaptations, the Enga have gained ways to regulate their population, reduce their risk, control, communal resources, and regulate the environment through rituals. In our paper, we will look at each of these aspects of Enga culture and how they allow the Enga people to live within the environment constraints they are faced with. The western highlands of Papua New Guinea are home to a group of people called the Enga. The Enga speaking people make up a population of over 100,000 people. The Enga people are sub-grouped into two large groups, the Central Enga and the Fringe Enga (Meggitt, 1977). The group that we will focus on for the majority of our paper is the Mae Enga. The Mae Enga inhabit the western highland region of the Enga providence (Meggitt, 1977). The Enga people have adapted various aspects of their culture to deal with the changes in the natural surrounding environment and the social climate. The western highlands of Papua New Guinea are mainly composed of rugged mountains, high plateaus, and valleys. Most of the province is 2,000 meters above sea level (PNG ON LINE). This higher land is less populated than the valleys, making the valley lands densely populated with almost no region of unclaimed land. Grasslands cover the majority of these valley regions and also the swamp basins located throughout the Enga t... ... Work Cited Feil, D.K. "Beyond Patriliny in the New Guinea Highlands." Man. March 1984: 50-76. Meggitt, Mervyn. Blood Is Their Argument. Los Angeles: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997. Kennedy, D.M. 1991. "Papua New Guinea." Mining Annual Review. 22:78-82. Kohan, John. 1984. "Mi Lanikim John Pol: Tom-toms and couch shells welcome a missionary." Times., May 12, 1984, 69. The Papua New Guinea Information Site. "Enga Providence Information." February 1997. March 31, 1999. Available<http://www.datec.compg/png/htm Papua New Guinea Online Facts and Statistics. Online. March 25, 1999. Available Ross, Marc Howard. "The Limits To Social Structure: Social Structure and Psychocultural Explanantions for Political Conflict andViolence." Anthropological Quarterly 59 (1986): 171-76

Friday, July 19, 2019

Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version :: English Literature

Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version Compare the script of 'An Inspector Calls' to the filmed version The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written to give an important message, one of which will be revealed later. It was written by a successful author John Boynton Priestley (J.B. Priestley). J.B. Priestley wrote plays, novels, articles, broadcasts and films. His playwright, novelist, dramatist and critic skills brought him to be known all around the world. He was born in Bradford in 1894 and died at the well-established age of 90 (1984). He wrote a total of forty-nine plays though out his life. At the age of sixteen he was writing pieces for Bradford newspapers. He also served with the Devonshire regiment during World War 1. Afterwards he received a government grant, which allowed him to start at the Trinity Hall, Cambridge University. After this he finished his degree and paid of his grant by writing and moved to London to work as a reviewer and critic and start off his career in the literary profession. This start to his career set him up for a very prosperous future. The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written when J.B. Priestley was middle aged in 1944-45 in the winter, during the end of World War 2. He had lived through the pains of both world wars and he had survived. The play was set in1912 because it was before people were aware of the tragedy and horror of the First World War. They thought that nothing was going or could go wrong and peace was to be for all. Also because of the Titanic's sinking, which had little relevance to the play but could prove his characters arrogance and their unbelievable sureness to be wrong, when they say that the Titanic is 'Absolutely unsinkable'. Also when a character mentions that 'fire and blood and anguish' is to come, the Birling family shrug it off and act arrogant to the fact that not everything is as well as it seems and that this is a warning to them if they bother to listen. The basis of the play is a fact that J.B. Priestly uses in all his works, that what one person does, doesn't just affect that person it affects everyone around them too, this is J.B.P's main concern. Which is what the Birling family stands to learn when they learn their lesson with the disaster of Eva Smith. As well the time in which the play is set will show that the following war will also show this point, as what the countries leaders do effects the whole country and the world.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Geometry is used in Construction :: essays research papers

I have conducted my research through interview with someone familiar with construction and development as how geometry is used in these fields.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first step to development is to survey the property in order to document and draw the bounds and land surface shapes. The property will be represented by various geometry elements such as points, lines, arcs, circles, and other defined geometry shapes. Surveyors use scope on tripods witch use projection of line Referenced point on a stick in order to measure the variations of the heights on the ground. This tool uses various angel theorems and postulates to find location of property boundaries, property corners, utilities and building layouts on the property. The surveyor uses the data collected to draw the property layout on a 36†x 24†sheet of paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After completion of this step the architects use the surveying drawing to develop a working drawing for the building. In these drawing you will see triangles, rectangles, squares, arches and other geometry shapes and forms to create their design. The architects through our history have used these shapes to create famous structures all over the world. If you go back to Roman historical sites you will see such examples like the great Coliseum. A great example can be seen is the famous Egyptian pyramid. Some other famous structures are the Eiffel Tower which is in Italy, and Chrysler building in New York. If you look around your neighborhood houses, you will see these shapes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The structural engineers use geometry in their design in order to calculate the spacing of their columns and beams for proper strength for the building.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The construction phase would not be possible without the knowledge of basic geometry. Points, lines, measurements and angles are often used to lay out the building in accordance to the architect drawings.

Obama State of the Union Essay

A Man Stands Alone: â€Å"We are not quitters. † That is what young Ty’Sheonna Bethea from Dillon, South Carolina had to say about attending a schoolhouse which is literally falling apart. She and the were asking for nothing more than what every school age student across the country has every right to receive. This was just one of the many examples that President Barrack Obama had addressed during his State of the Union Address that was read on February 24, 2009 to the Nation. This speech was to inform the us that the problems of America have been heard, not ignored President Obama was given this position at one of America’s lowest points in history. He had inherited close to a trillion dollar deficit, a financial collapse and a skyrocketing as our Commander in Chief, he spoke candidly of the goals we have to meet as â€Å"a people†. Works Cited Barack Obama: Address Before a joint Session of the Congress President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1933-1945 Rollins, Lisa L. â€Å"Comparing Barack Obama to Franklin D. Roosevelt† One of the greatest President’s in the history of the United States if America was four term elected, 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Roosevelt led the United States through two of the greatest crises of the 20th century: the Great Depression and World War II. In so doing, he greatly expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal, and he served as the principal architect of President Roosevelt had succeeded former President Hoover, who had led the country into the worse financial instability ever in our young country’s history. Both men, in order to create something out of nothing, have or had plans to build economic stimulating programs. But one man’s ideas are tried and proven while the others has yet to be given the opportunity to flourish. In that respect only time can really tell how these two great leaders share strengths through trying times.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Inventing the University

many a(prenominal) beginner or introductory economizers ar strangers to donnishian cover they do non curb the discretion of the principles and logic compulsory to devise scholarly compositions. Thus, end-to-end miscellaneous universities, students be assembling and mimicking the treats taught by versed educators, ultimately trying to successfully write for a variety of diverse auditory senses (Bartholomae 61).Students intuitively understand that they enquire to reproduce a similar composition in m archaic to gain acceptance in the academic community of interests and to succeed in their coursework. Unfortunately, he or she does non meet the intimacy necessary to complete the assignments. David Bartholomae defines Inventing the University as written material processes that college students must undertake each succession they create a new composition. He has described the essential reason for reservation the comprehension of academic dissertate the old compon ent of any first-twelvemonth makeup class.In his essay, Bartholomae offers insights that could aid college composition teachers in agreement the difficulty beginner students without prior characterization to academic discourse may confrontation when trying to write university level musical composition coursework. Essentially, students must learn to abandon their old discourse communities, use arbitrary roles in their papers and use a specific verbiage to be survey great scholars.David Bartholomae is a leading Professor at the University of Pittsburgh he is a revolutionary scholar and intellectual of composition studies. Bartholomae has challenged his profession to observe more intensely, and esteem more self-critically about what happens when batch write and read. His vision of literacy is comprehensive and rational he has transformed the way teachers think about students which has caused many universities and colleges to modify holds that have needed improvement for a large time.His primary research interests be in composition, literacy, pedagogy his work engages learning in nomenclature and in American books and studies. His thoughts and visions ar based on wayfaring philosophy. Students have shiped many discourse communities throughout their lives that have shaped their writing styles and wrangle patterns. fundamental writers problems when entering college is they face a clash, not of dialects simply of discourse forms (Bizzel 295).There are many students from different countries and social classes that bob up to universities with different abilities to deal with academic discourse. In prepare for students to effectively reproduce compositions, they need to abandon their former discourse communities with the dish out and knowledge of professors. According to Bartholomaes paradigm, educators are em billeted with the responsibility of introducing students to a solidification of codes and conventions that entrust allow beginning writers to enter into a new and allegedly empowering, discourse community (67).An important task of an educator is to pry loose the scholar from their previous discourse community to which he or she had been a part of prior to entering the university (Bartholomae 83). Bartholomae describes these communities as structured by the truthful codes of everyday life, and he asserts that we must replace them with the remaining ways of knowing, selecting, evaluating, reporting, concluding, and arguing that define the discourse of our community (79, 60).Contrastingly, Harris argues that the role as teachers should not be to initiate our students into the values and practices of near new community, but to offer them a chance to reflect critically on those discourses of home, school, work, the media and the like to which they already belong (19). As a fourth year university student, I have taken many belles-lettres classes, and by observing many seek students, I believe that Bartholomaes origins are accurate. Students need to conform to the universities discourse community to properly compose writing assignments and be proven successful in the course. numerous students are penalized for not appropriating a privileged discourse. set-back year writers have difficulty adopting an conditionitative region in their writing assignments. makeup with ascendancy isnt a matter of subdue grammar it is a prose that displays enough skill and professionalism that it convinces the contributor that the author has a purpose to his or her writing. It is important for authors to be comfortable with the audience and to ensure that readers expectations are met.Bartholomae explains To speak with situation students have to speak not lone(prenominal) in an differents voice but through anothers code and they not only have to do this, they have to speak in the voice and through the codes of those of us with power and wisdom (78). Writers only gain way when their arguments can be related to those of other critics (Gaipa 419). A students argument can be cogent and engaging, but it will lack authority until its author clarifies his or her contribution to a bigger critical community (419).Despite having four age experience in academic writing, establishing authority and creating a purpose for various audiences continues to be an exceptionally complex task to achieve. Many hours are spent revising and modifying compositions to open an academic essay that reaches the professors expectations. Most native-speakers of the English language come to a University or College with a vocabulary of approximately twenty green words. Generally, students will be taught more than one thousand new words every year from academic writing.Undergraduates discover that creating academic composition requires the use of professional language and a specialized vocabulary (Graff and Birkenstein 116,119) However, students should not use complex wording in there essays unless the termin ology is clear and solely understood. Essays require correct and complete understanding of the meaning of their vocabulary in order for the reader to process their intellectual significance (Stotsky 318) Writers need to learn that what they say (the code) is more important than what they meant(the intention)(Bartholomae 77).I think students underestimate the immensity of language used within a composition. Many words are overused by scholars or too difficult for readers to comprehend. To conclude, in order to gain familiarity with scholarly discourse, mistaken is essential for the beginner and basic writers. Students endlessly struggle with establishing an authoritative voice and gratifying syntactical standards to the teachers expectations, therefore continuous practice is necessary.It is to the students benefit to abandon their prior discourse community and engage in the universitys academia. Ultimately, to become successful authors, students must observe a teachers example s and go out their preferable writing styles and techniques. Bibliography Bartholomae, David. Inventing the University. written material on the Margins Essays on Composition and Teaching. New York Bedford/St. Martins, 2005. Print. Bizzel, Patricia. What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College? College Composition and Communication 37, 1986. 294-301. Web. Nov 30. 2009.Gaipa, Mark. time out into the Conversation How Students Can Acquire agency for Their Writing Pedagogy 4, 2004. 419-437. Web. 23 Nov. 2009. Graff, G and Birkenstein, C. They Say I say The Moves That count in Academic Writing. New York, NY W. W,Norton & Company, 2006. Print. Harris, Joseph. The sentiment of Community in the Study of Writing College Composition and Communications 40, 1989. 11-22. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. Stotsky, Sandra. The language of Essay Writing Can It Be Taught? College Composition and Communication 32, 1981. 317-326. Web. 27 Nov. 2009.